Ghost of the Samurai

The ghost of a Samurai Warrior stands under the 'gate', yet his shadow remains strong. The shadow represents the legacy of the great Samurai Warriors.
Watercolour. Painted on 16" x 20" Arches 140 lb Cold Pressed paper. Many glazes were applied to get the fiery red/orange, which actually glows much, much nicer in real life. The colours and nuances just didn't photograph too well. This painting won the Member's Choice Award at an EBSQart show. It was also accepted into the Eastern Ontario Visual Arts Association juried art show, where it received First Prize in the watercolour division. It appears in the 2007 Focus Art Calendar. Additionally, it was accepted into the Massena Artist's Association Annual Juried Art Exhibition. Private collection, Cornwall, ON.
Olga's Venice

Watercolour painted on Arches 140 lb cold pressed paper. Approx. 20" x 16".
One of my favourite paintings, Olga's Venice received third prize in the watercolour division of the Massena Artist Association's Annual Juried Show. It has also been exhibited in a juried Ottawa Watercolour Society show and also at a juried show at the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery. Collection of the artist.
First Hydrangea painting. Watercolour. Painted on Arches 140 lb. Cold Pressed paper. Approx. 5" x 7". Private collection in England.
This was painted on 1/4 sheet of Arches Hot Pressed paper, approx. 11.5 x 15 inches. The leaves were painted over gesso. Private collection, London, Ontario.
Grisaille Pears
A grisaille underpainting gave this painting it's glow and an almost oil painting-like finish.
It's traditional watercolour painted on a 1/4 sheet of Arches 300 lb cold pressed paper, approx. 15 x 11.5 inches.
That black background was painted in several glazes, all done without the help of any type of mask. Private collection in Ontario, Canada.
This started out from a Grant Fuller challenge. It's watercolour painted on Arches 300 lb Cold Pressed paper. 1/4 sheet, approx. 11" x 15". Private collection in Rochester, New York.
Heads Up!
Heads Up! began with lots of masking fluid drizzled around and allowed to dry. Then, many 'pours' were laid in with several wild colours. That was fun!
It's painted on Arches Hot Pressed paper and is 13.25 inches by 9.5 inches. Each petal was painted OPAT (one petal at a time).
The reference photograph was shot by Ruth Harris in England. Collection of the artist, who cannot part with it yet.
St. Columban's Church
Watercolour painted on Arches 140 lb cold pressed paper. Approx. 20" x 16".
Fall at Plaisance
This was first painted with Chinese Sumi Ink on Japanese Unryu Rice Paper. Painting on Unryu is like painting on wet Kleenex! The colour was applied using watercolour paint, then when very dry, it was mounted on Arches 140 lb. Hot Pressed paper, Approx. 16" x 20". This painting was accepted into Cornwall Regional Art Gallery's annual juried show.
Since the show, I've tried something new with this painting. I varnished it! Then it was mounted on a piece of masonite board and mounted in a frame usually used for oil paintings. Looks great and there's no need to have glass in front.
Collander and Eggs
From my Kitchen Affairs Series. Watercolour painted on Arches 300 lb Cold Pressed paper. Approx. 11" x 14". A small miniature art trading card was painted of this also.
This painting was included in the 2008 Focus Art group's calendar. Collection of the artist.

Watercolour painted on Arches 300 lb Soft Pressed paper, approx. 14" x 11". Painted for a "Weekend Drawing Event" in an online group I belong to. Private collection in Ontario, Canada.