Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Slumped Fluid Acrylic Shoulders

After a lot of thought, I've decided to set the waterlily aside for a while. I have this very annoying habit that is hard to break and that is ... I won't start a new painting until I've finished the current one. (Or I'd never finish any of them. I think that's the convuluted reason that developed this habit.) So, each time I feel like painting, I come in here, look at the waterlily, slump my shoulders and walk out again. Without painting. I've lost all inspiration for it, I think. So, I'm going to just set it aside. Not be done with it and quit. Just set it aside with plans on coming back to it.

In the meantime, I am going to start the same painting on watercolour paper and work in watercolour. I need to get back to watercolour so I can play in it knowing what to expect.

But, I'm not finished with the fluid acrylic one yet, Deb Ward!! Just taking a short hiatus.

Stay tuned .......

If you'd like to hear about the fantastic Calendar Show we're having at Focus Art, go here. Talk about great exposure! +450 people the first day! It's up for a week.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am writing about this here because it's a blog problem I've been having for a few weeks now and there is absolutely no where on google/blogger that expains this problem.

I was using Internet Explorer 6. I upgraded to IE8 and did not like it so I removed it and went back to the 6. From that time on, I could not get any of the link buttons in my blog navigator link bar to work! It was very annoying to say the least. To log into my blog to post or comment, I had to go to my address bar and type in www.blogger.com. That was the only way to be able to access my blogs and it was time consuming.

Well, I finally found something online that explained it might be a problem with IE6. So, muttering under my breath about being forced to go to the higher IE's, I compromised and downloaded IE7. Voila!!! They all work now!

I didn't want IE8 back again because it slowed down a few things, but 7 seems okay.

Just thought I'd mention that in case anyone else is having the same aggravating problem.

more on the waterlily...

Here's the latest on the waterlily. I've been adding some detail to leaves and have been doing a lot of toning down on those yellows. I found I didn't like the yellow leaves at all. I've also worked on the water. I took out some green which I shouldn't have so I might paint some more back in. I also started some shadows around the flower. When (if) I mat this, I'm going to crop out that dark lilypad in the lower left side. I really don't like it - it's too muddy. I'm getting really tired of this one and want to start a watercolour one of the same design. I like painting with paint I know. These fluid acrylics are nice but they dry so fast, my fingers are permanently stained with anthraquinone blue from splattering with a toothbrush, and they are such a mess to clean up off the palette. LOL. All that said and done, I do like some of the effects but I'm longing to get back to some watercolours. And I know that if I set this aside to do watercolour, I won't be going back to it. Decisions, decisions.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday!