Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tap, Tap, Tap

My son, Zach, is always saying he "can't draw very good".  Yesterday, I found this 'phone doodle on the desk.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but anyone who can doodle out this in a few minutes while waiting 'on hold' on the phone definitely CAN draw!  I think it's amazing!

And I'm not saying this because I'm biased, even though I might be a bit, I'm saying it because I've seen his other artwork as well as this one.

It looks even better in real life.


AK said...

Deborah, this is fabulous. He does have talent.

Ann Buckner said...

This is so cool. Tell Zack to pick up those pencils more often.

Susan Roux said...

Oh yes, he can draw...

Don West said...

Of course he can draw! Set up a sketch blog for him ;-)

Deb Léger said...

Hi Asit, Ann, Susan and Don, thanks for your comments. I've passed them on to him. ;-)

Don, I'm trying to get him to do more so I *can* set up a blog for him.

Gary L. Everest said...

Hi Deb,
Wow! I wish I could draw anywhere near this well. I guess Zach takes after his mother, eh! Who knows...with encouragement from us non-family bloggers, perhaps Zach will realize his talent and seize the opportunity of a life in the arts.

KaiBlue said...

that's some scribble! wow!

Medieval Muse said...

Very, very talented!!!!

photo to painting said...

He can draw.....Fantastic! I've looked at a few of your pieces now but this is a real standout. Congrats.

photo to painting said...

Fantastic! I've looked at a few of your pieces now but this is a real standout. Congrats.

Portrait Artist